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Special measures for minors of the Child Protection services

Special measures for minors of the Child Protection services Enfance jeunesse

Child protection

Child protection in France, as defined in the social action and family code (CASF), “aims to ensure that the fundamental needs of a child are met, that their physical, emotional, intellectual and social development are covered and that their health, safety, morality and education are protected, whilst their rights are taken into account”. Many aspects of child protection are addressed.

This policy is mainly in the hands of the departmental authorities, including child welfare (ASE in French) services that are in charge of implementing policies and actions for the purposes of prevention, identification of situations of danger or risk of danger and protection.

  • Children placed under the protection of the ASE
    Entraide Pierre Valdo opened several care centres for boys and girls needing protection depending on their age and situation: between 4 and 16 years old, young people between 16 to 18, siblings, etc. In Vaucluse, Entraide Pierre Valdo manages places within the children’s home with social character (MECS) for very vulnerable children who did not arrive in France as Unaccompanied Minors (MNA in French)
  • The MECS and other services specifically targeted at caring for children and youth have been under the responsibility of the association in Loire, Vaucluse and Greater Lyon.
  • Youths and children are housed and cared for 7 days a week by specialised teams: childcare workers, house masters, night-watchmen etc. The accommodation and support are designated according to the child’s needs, in buildings with collective hostel type accommodation, for the younger and most vulnerable ones, or in very small units; in “educational apartments” where several young people are in shared accommodation where they prepare to become fully-fledged adults and gain their independence.
  • The educational teams offer tailored advice and help the youths organise their lives from schooling, medical and mental health, individual projects, sports and culture, etc. They also have professional advice from medical staff: psychologists, nurses, family planning, etc. A variety of activities are organised year-round: cooking workshops, cultural and leisure activities, summer camps. Volunteers play an important part in these activities and their contribution is invaluable: help with homework, sponsorships, etc.
  • Unaccompanied Minors (MNA), under 18 boys and girls who arrive in France with neither father, nor mother, or any other legal representative. They come under the ASE departmental services who appoint chosen organisations to host and help them until they turn 18. Because of their migration process, unaccompanied minors from non-European countries can be legitimate in seeking asylum and obtaining international protection. This falls precisely within the expertise of Entraide Pierre Valdo. In the Vaucluse, they manage a few beds that provide shelter and protection for young adults while their situation is examined. Proving the youths are under-age is not part of the mission of Entraide Pierre Valdo but of the Department and the judicial authority.
Graf workshop Forez color in August 2021
Visite au musee
Outing to the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art on June 19th, 2021

Support for young adults

As a follow up of the actions carried out within the framework of protection of minors, Entraide Pierre Valdo sought to promote innovative schemes enabling young adults to benefit from housing and tailored support, whether they were accompanied or unaccompanied minors: flat sharing with young adults in educational apartments, global socio-administrative support with specific focus on employment and training, etc.

The boys and girls concerned benefit from a young adult agreement (CJM in French) granted by the department, in order to help them crossing the adult threshold and become independent, mainly via access basic incomes. In Vaucluse, as part of an innovative partnership, several beneficiaries of a mechanism dedicated to young adults also benefit from joint assistance of the government and the department

Activities and leisure

For several decades, the association has been managing a venue in Lyon, the Espace Pierre Valdo, intended for children and youths, in a spirit of mutual respect, open mindedness, solidarity and social diversity.

This commitment to children became real with the implementation of an daytime activity centre without accommodation (ALSH in French), a state-certified establishment for children aged 3 to 15. The Espace Pierre Valdo also manages an activity centre associated with school (ALAÉ in French) as well as artistic and cultural activities developed for children and parents, with the support (framework convention) of the City of Lyon. Depending on the programmes and activities, children and youths can join on Wednesdays and/or during the holidays.

As part of Entraide Pierre Valdo’s expertise in working with refugees and/or asylum seekers, the Espace Pierre Valdo is naturally inclined to help children from such families. More information about the Espace Pierre Valdo here:

Entraide Pierre Valdo is a non-profit organisation (association) complying with the 1901 French law.

Espace Pierre Valdo à Lyon

Everything you need to know about Entraide Pierre Valdo is in the 2021 annual report, available exclusively in French. Read now or download