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Our association

Entraide Pierre Valdo is a non-profit organisation (association) complying with the 1901 French law.


Association founded in 2001 at 176 rue Pierre Valdo, in Lyon, its founding members are leading figures of four associations: the Entraide Protestante de Lyon, the Association Familiale Protestante de Saint-Étienne, the Entraide Protestante de Saint-Étienne and the Diaconat Protestant du Chambon-sur -Lignon.

The head office has been situated in Saint-Étienne since 2015.

Entraide Pierre Valdo is a member of the following French and European federations and networks:

  • The Fédération des Acteurs de la Solidarité (FAS)
  • The Fédération de l’Entraide Protestante (FEP)
  • The European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)

The association is also member of the Union Régionale Interfédérale des Œuvres et organismes Privés non lucratifs Sanitaires et Sociaux (URIOPSS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes).

Key figures

Around 500

(and dozens of volunteers)

Centres in 9

covering 3 regions (AURA, PACA, Occitanie)


Over 5 000

Our association